This paper examines the use of plagiari checking tools to detect potential plagiari in undergraduate theses. The paper begins by outlining the current state of plagiari in undergraduate theses and the strategies used to detect it. It then goes on to discuss the various types of plagiari checking tools ailable and their effectiveness in detecting potential plagiari. The paper then focuses on the particular case of Turnitin, a popular plagiari checking tool, and its implications for undergraduate education. Finally, the paper discusses the potential implications of using plagiari checking tools and the need for further research into the effectiveness of these tools.。
This paper presents a study on plagiari detection in undergraduate theses. The purpose of this research is to identify the most effective methods for detecting plagiari in undergraduate theses and to develop a reliable and accurate plagiari detection system. A survey was conducted to collect data from undergraduate students on their experiences of plagiari detection in their theses. The results of the survey indicated that the majority of students he encountered plagiari in their theses, and the majority of them believe they he used effective plagiari detection tools. Furthermore, the survey results revealed that the most commonly used plagiari detection tools among students are Turnitin, SafeAssign, and PlagScan. The findings of this research suggest that an effective plagiari detection system should be developed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results. The system should be designed to be user-friendly and easy to use for students. Finally, the system should be integrated with existing plagiari detection tools to improve its accuracy and reliability.。
其次,查重摘要也是可行的。一些抄袭检测系统,如 Turnitin 和 Urkund,可以对摘要进行查重,这可以有效检测是否存在抄袭行为。
This paper introduces a novel approach for detecting and preventing plagiari in academic papers. The proposed method is based on a supervised learning approach that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN) for text classification. The model is trained on a dataset of academic papers and the associated labels that indicate whether the paper is plagiarized or not. The model is then used for classifying a new paper as either plagiarized or not. Experiments on a benchmark dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach yields high accuracy and outperforms existing approaches. The results show that the proposed approach is a promising solution for detecting and preventing plagiari in academic papers.。